Scientific foreign trips
Scientific foreign trips
October 22- November 3, 1958. Visits to a number of scientific institutions, including the Institute of Cybernetics; making speeches; maintaining academic contacts
November 9-19, 1966. Participation in the IFIP Program Committee session; visits to scientific institutions of Paris and Grenoble
Participation in the IFIP TC2 meeting, visiting scientific institutions, delivering lectures
Munich, 20-24.07.1970. IFIP Working Conference "Implementation of ALGOL 68".
October 18 - November 24, 1970; by invitation of Stanford University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and other scientific institutions
May 14-29, 1972. Invitation by the Organizing Committee of the Joint Spring Computing Conference of the AFIPS. Ershov made a presentation "On aesthetic and human factors in programming"
The trip took place in May, 4-29, 1973 by invitation and financial support of the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)with the objwct of reading lectures and establishing scientific contacts
July 29 - August 26, 1974. Participation in Working Conference on Command Languages (Lund, July 29-August 2), in IFIP 74 Congress (Stockholm, August 5-11). Meetings and presentations in Swedich scientific institutions.
During this trip Ershov took part in the conference on the formalization of semantics of programing languages and writing of compilers, visited several scientific institutions and read lectures
April 13-28, 1975. Participation in different scientific procedures including a session of the International Organizing Committee of IJCAI-4 and International Conference on Reliable Software, Los Angeles, California.
The trip was in the framework of collaboration program on Subject VII. The contacts with the colleagues from IRIA and Grenoble University were established
September 29 - October 20, 1976. During this "British Tour" Ershov was presented with the diploma of the British Computer Society Distinguished Fellow
Participaton in the 1st Working Conference "Formal Description of Programming Concepts" (St. Andrews, 01-05.08.1977), in the 22th meeting of TC 2 (ibid., 01-02.08.1977) and in the IFIP 77 Congress (Toronto, 08-12.08.1977).
September 01-15, 1977. Participation in the IV International Symposium "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science", ...
June 7-22, 1979. Scientific work on mathematical logic problems (Sofia); participation in Summer School "Programming-79" (Primorsko)
August 28 - Septewmber 10, 1981. Participation in International Symposium "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science" (MFCS'81), Shtrbsko Pleso, August 31 - September 04, 1981. ...
October 24-31, 1981. Participation in the International Symposium on algorithmic languages (Amsterdam)
31.05.82 - 14.06.82. Participation in the 29th sesion of IFIP TC2 and IFIP working conference "Formal description of programming concepts"
May 3-7; participation of the seminar "Software Factory Experiences"on Kapri and visiting "Olivetti" company
07-11.08.1982. Participation in the 17th Section (Inforatics and computer science) of International Congress of Mathematics (ICN'82), that took place in 16-24.08.1983 in Warsaw, a year later than scheduled becaust of the 1982 martial law in the country
May 21 - June 1, 1984. Lecturing and consulting
March 24-31, 1985. Participation in the International conference on the theory and practice of computer software, and (probably) in celebration of IFIP 25-th anniversary (March 25-29, 1985, Munich)
November 1986; participation in the Workshop on Arms and Artificial Intelligence held by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
February 1987. A.Ershov visited Zurich on invitation by Prof. N. Wirth
Castiglioncello (Livorno), September 23-30, International Conference "Technology, the Arms Race and Arms control"