TC 2 of IFIP
Lists of members of Working Groups and participants of Working Conferences of TC-2, used to select IFIP 80 Congress' reviewers.
Munich; 28-29.03.1987.
Palo Alto, USA; April 1986.
Baden, Austria; May 1983.
Garmisch, FRG; June 1982.
Dijon, France; September 1981.
Brussels; January 1981.
Linz, Austria; May 1980.
Venice, Italy; June 1979.
Baden, Austria; December 1978.
Oxford, England; April 1978.
St.Andrews, Canada; August 1977.
St.Pierre-de-Shartreuse, France; September 1976.
Freudenstadt, FRG; January 1976.
Keszthely, Hungary; September 1975.
Frostavallen, Sweden; August 1974.
Cargese, France; April 1974.
Toronto; October 1973.
Munich; April 1973.
Zakopane, Poland; September 1972.
June 1972.
Ljubljana; August 1971.
Eindhoven, Netherlands; August 1970.
Prague; October 1969.
Gilford, England; January 1969.
Edinburgh; August 1968.
Oslo; May 1967.
Pisa; 7.09.1966.
London; April 1966.
Nice; November 1965.
New York; May 1965.
Prague; May 1964.
Oslo; September 1963.